Friday, July 25, 2008

surprise expenses

It never occurred to me that I would have to pay for my Hep A/B shot. My Tetanus one had been free, after all. I was surprised when the doctor's ofice asked for my drug store number and even more so when the pharmacist handed me the serum and said "keep it in the fridge until your doctor's appointment." $70 including that annoying pharmacy fee and that's just for round one! The good news is it will last the rest of my travelling days. I'll be able to guzzle dirty water and nibble on raw fish whenever I like!

Monica asked me to send her the boat tour money via Western Union. I zipped over to their website and was peeved to find it would cost me $20 to send $52. Surely there must be a cheaper way. After visiting a Money Mart (we're only a small branch, honey, we don't do that here), a Walmart (sorry miss, machine's broken) and another Money Mart, I ended up paying $10 instead of $20. Is online convenience really worth double the price?

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